
Showing posts from March, 2020

Healthy living blog V

How do we sift what's true out of what's new? 

I suppose by experience first of all. This works for individuals as for example my own sifting of modern technology to gather its help in serving to communicate the truth of Christ through Twitter and Facebook.

 How does the Church sift what's true out of what's new? I think of those pushing in my own Church for homosexual marriage. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us to a common mind so together we discern proposed changes as sound or false development.

The Reformation thinker Erasmus warned that if we call new things learned about the world heresy that would be to imply orthodox belief is held in ignorance!

 Traditional faith needs stating afresh in every generation since God wants learning - but re-stating isn't re-placing!

 The pace of change and obsession with novelty is such that Christianity is struggling to be heard at present.

 We urgently need to recover trust and collaboration between the main block